Monday, February 18, 2008

Dry land

I need prayer. I seem to be in a dry land. There is no water anywhere in sight. No help just me sitting in a desert. I can't seem to find the strength to get up. I am physically sick. Mentally drained. With no will to go onward. The only light I possibly can see is the glimpse of Mexico. But that is slowing sinking to but a small blink far off. I can not find anything to live for. Nothing!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Thus far...

Hola again to all. Seeing it has been a while since I have last blogged I figured there is no better time than the present to fill you all in.
I just got back to Cancun after a few days visit to Chetumal. I was there visiting a friend. I must say it was more of a vacation than work. I got to catch up on some sleep and rest that I have been missing over the past year of craziness!! I went swimming, watched an authentic Mexican parade, and ate some amazing tacos!! It was really a great time and God has been showing me glimpses of my future. I am not sure of the immediate future at this point but I am not worried. As my God is not a God of confusion but peace (1 Cor 14:33). Tomorrow I will be heading to a village with Isai (the boyfriend) to do some evangelism. There is a team of pastors here from Minnesota that Isai is going to be working with for the next week and I wanted to be able to go with them once before I left so here is my opportunity!! I am really looking forward to it.
As my time here is drawing to a very near end I can not help but thank the Lord for this opportunity to be back. It really has been amazing. There is no doubt in my mind that one day I will be living here. And can not wait for that day.
Thank you all very much for being there for me. None of this would be possible without you. God Bless

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well here I am sitting on my bed in one of the greatest cities in the world, well hottest cities, Cancun. I landed in said city at 1:30 am on Saturday. As my ride and I were leaving the airport I some some hitch hikers and jokingly I was like "Let's pick 'em up" (Dumb and Dumber style of course). And well that is exactly what we did. So here we are at 2 in the morning with 2 hitch hikers from Belgium. It was quite funny to watch Isai(my ride) and the male hitch hiker converse. Of course it is in English which happens to be neither of there first language. And of course me being me I let them try to figure it out, and not offer any English expertise. If you can call it that. Well long story short we drive them completely out of our way to a hotel where they said they had friends staying there. So we make our trip to the famed Orange house where I am staying. I did not get into bed until 3:30. And did not fall asleep until after 6!! I got out of bed around 9. So needless to say I am pretty tired. And the sun is way hot so that doesn't help the tiredness! Tonight I am going to church. Hopefully I won't have to preach but, really it is a possibility in Mexico. Tomorrow, Tina (one of the people I am staying with, and will be working with) and I may be heading to the beach!! Pray that I won't get to sunburned. Starting on Monday I think I am going to be working at the City of Joy. Which I am really looking forward to! Well that has been my life for the past day or so of being in Mexico, I will let you know when more exciting things arise!

In God's Grip

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


choose to look beyond.
finding the good
as Christ loved

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mexico Home Mexico

God is calling me to Mexico. This is where my heart is. That is where I want to live. Odd yes, but the truth. Not odd in the sense that it is always hot there, and now I am currently living in the land of -20 degree weather. But heat is not the thing I most desire. It is the love of the Father. I found love in Cancun. A love that surpasses anything I have ever felt before. The kids of this country have torn my heart and make it new all at the same time. I am not sure I have shared this story with you all but if you have already heard it you may move on. We were in the village of X-Can in the Yutatan State of Mexico, and we and we had just finished a program for the community. And we I had about 50 kids hanging on and pulling on my cloths. And we played for many minutes well I can not remember the exact time all I know is that it passed to soon. This is the place God really showed me my heart for children. And it has only grown stronger since being in India. But all throughout India God was showing me that I was called to Mexico. One day I wish to start an orphanage there. But I do believe that is a distant dream. But as for right now, I am heading back to Cancun on the 18th of January. For 2 weeks I will be volunteering my time to the YWAM base there. It is something that I am really excited for. As anyone who I have talked to in the last couple of weeks can vouch for. I am not sure exactly what I am going to be doing yet. But I wish to work with the organization City Of Joy. An organization that helps out the community by caring for those who can not care for themselves. Young, old and in between. I would also like to find and work with an orphanage there. I am not sure if this is possible but I will be looking into it.
Thank you all for being in support of the work that God is providing me with. Please be praying that I will follow all that God has for me.

Walk in Love.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Home Snow Home

Home again... Home again.... So you know you arrive in Saskatchewan in November when you get off the plane and you freeze your butt off. Well not quite because because you ask your mother to bring you a jacket and some mitts. But I was very thankful for snow on the ground when I flew over Saskatoon. I have not seen really snow since January and was really missing it.
But anyways enough about snow. I am doing really good. Being home has been really good. I have been able to catch up to some of the sleep that I have not been able to get over the last 11 months of my YWAM adventure. I am still not to sure exactly what the next year of my life will look like. Let alone the next week. I really do have a strong passion to take a trip to Mexico within the next couple of months. Well that seems to be all that is coming to mind at the moment.

Monday, November 12, 2007

One very long day

The journey back from India. That is one I will never forget. It is hard to explain but lets just say that I had Sunday morning twice. I left India on Sunday at 1:30 am and got to Nashville at 3 pm on the same day, although the journey actually took over 2 days. Crazy I think so too. But thank the Lord the way our flights worked out we were able to sleep at the times that we needed to to work out jet lag. So I think I have offically beat it.
India was one the greatest things I have ever done in my life and I would not change it for anything. It was also one of the most challenging things. God has stretched me in so many ways. But all for good yes. The week of leading was one of those challanging moments. I don't think I ever shared this with you all but I was also in charge of all the team money. So here I was always the one you go for for money. That also means I had to make sure the books where in line and we weren't missing any. I actually didn't mind it but it did take up a long time.
Honestly I think I have a lot of stuff I need to process because the last 5 weeks of my life I have spent in one of most amazing and hardest countries in the world. But it was great and there are some many things that I never thought I would see, and learned things about myself that never knew was there. I feel like I am just blabbing so I will leave you with that.

Oh and I am heathly as a horse!!